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15 August 2017 Speech For School Assembly – 71th Independence Day Speech For Students


Get 15 August 2018 Speech For School Assembly and use 71th Independence Day Speech For Students. All Students Teachers Kids can use this Independence Day Speech In English & 15 August Speech In English For School programs.

15 August 2017 Speech for School Assembly

Hello friends we are back to invite your prestigious and kind attention towards our this link 15 August 2017 School Speech for Assembly.in So your this need will be fulfil by us and our website. As we all know that 15 August is our National Independence day. On this day we were free from the Dictatorship of Britishers and also in other words by the rule of britishers. You also know very well it is possible by the Hard Work of MohanDas KaramChand Ghandhi in short Gandhi and other freedom fighters. So on this year 15 August 2017 be love in your heart and kind towards your Nation and your Motherland. So this year we here with new and upcoming updates on this Independence 2017.

This year do something special for your Motherland and show to all how you are love in your heart for your nation. If you are able to Stand on Stage then show how you are graceful and take respect in your heart for our Freedom Fighters and give a graceful speech and also motivate others towards their Motherland and their Nation and realize works and rights towards their Constitution. So visit our links and website if you are really such a true deshbhakt so copy out and also you can download Articles, Speeches, Paragraphs and Essay on Best 15 August 2017 School Speech for Assembly.

For More Check:- Independence Day Speech In Hindi
Don’t Miss:- 15 August Speech In Hindi

15 August 2017 Speech In English For Students

The 15th of august is a red letter day for all of us .On this day India got freedom from the British rule. Besides, great leaders common man also took part on the freedom struggle. This day is celebrated all over the country with great pomp and show.The main function is held in the red fort in new Delhi . On this day prime minister of India arrives at 7:30 am. He is greeted with cheers and slogans . He inspects the guard of Honour. He unfurls the national flag from the ramparts of the red fort. Twenty one gun salutes is given to the national flag. Then Prime Minister speaks to the people. Get 15 August Speech In English and this 15 august Speech For Students.

Don’t miss to like this and share this 15 August Speech For Teachers with your friends. In his speech he outlines the further projects and the development works that are to be undertaken . He also talks about successes and failures of various projects that are currently going on in the country. He requests people for their co-operation in solving problems that face the country. He asks the people to stand united against any attempt to divide the country . He once again reminds the people about the problems that the country faces .At the end of his speech he asks the audience to repeat Jai Hind three times. The function is over with the singing of the national anthem.

15 August Independence Day Speech In English For Students

15 August 1947 is the most important date for each & every Indian. On this day, our country was declared as the independent country & was free from the British rule. The freedom we got was the only result of continuous march pasts, day night fights between Indian soldiers & British army, & the sacrifices of all Indians that took part in the fight of Independence.

Today, we all are here celebrating the 71th freedom anniversary of 15 August Independence Day of India. On this patriotic day, prime minister of India, raise the national flag “Tiranga” over the Red Fort at Delhi & special parade is organized from the India gate, giving the tribute who lost their lives during the Independence day war.

Celebrating the Independence day 2017, various dance performances & cultural events are to be part of the celebration ceremony where people from all over the Indian states come & show their traditional dance. Along with the dance programs, soldiers & army men show all the three strong powers air, water, l& to the common public. Every one sing national anthem of India which is JANA GANA MANA. Every one st& still for the national anthem of our country. On this day the great personalities, Mahatma G&hi, Bhagat Singh & all those who had important role in giving independence to India are remembered with great honor & respect.

Amazingly, days before the 15 August, streets are cleared, schools are decorated & special awareness is created regarding cleanliness. National flag is raised on the tops of the schools, colleges, government buildings & educational departments. Kids & school children takes part in parades, dance competitions, quiz competitions & cultural events.

We all should take part in the development of our country & only thinks in the favor of our nation. So come & take pledge that we will take our nation to new heights of development & should proud of our country. Jai Hind.

71th Independence Day Speech In English

People from all over the country come to watch the independence day function. Children come very early to take part in the celebration. Sitting arrangements are made for people from all the strata(level) of the society . Many diplomats (representatives of foreign countries in India) also come witness this function . Policemen are present in large numbers in order to maintain the law and order.

Hope you all guys use this Independence Day Speech In English. If you like then suggest these speech lines to your friends.

Independence Day Speech For School Students

We hope you all like our website and we hope you love our post Independence Day Speech For School Students. if you like it then please press the share button that we are providing you at the end of our post. So friends if you like our post interesting so you can share it with your all friends of social networking site so they can also use our independence day 2017 Speech in English for giving a short speech on morning assembly on school, Thanks for visiting in our site and giving your precious time for reading our, Have a good day. Wish you all a very Happy Independence Day 2017.

The post 15 August 2017 Speech For School Assembly – 71th Independence Day Speech For Students appeared first on Today Palm Astrology.

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